Friday, October 29, 2010

Weigh in - 10/29/10

Wanna talk about falling off the wagon? I was kicked off the wagon, fell off a cliff, and sat there and gorged myself with brownies to get over it. That sounds productive huh? Not so much...

We all have bad days, weeks, and in some cases months. It happens. What is important is that we put down the brownies, pick up where we left off and keep soldiering on. Ready? Me too!

We have officially moved into a new apartment. It's amazing, has tons of space, and is right in the heart of a park district with tons of walking trails. We have been here two weeks and i have been on those walking trails a grand total of 1 time. ONCE! Unacceptable! I also keep using the move as a huge excuse to eat anything and everything i want. I have given myself a slap on the hand though and am officially back on track. Today was my first weigh in in a while. I am up a little over a lb since slacking off over the move, not horrible, but i never want to see the scale go up.

Unfortunately it is getting colder here every day which means my workouts outdoors are going to be coming to an end for the season and i will be spending a lot more time under the control of that beast we all love to hate...Jillian Michaels. I'm not going to lie, i'm looking forward to letting her workouts kick my butt again, however i'm not looking forward to listening to her voice during every workout. I get so angry that i'm screaming at her to shut up by the end of the workout, maybe that works in my favor...

Exciting news on the sizes lost front! I am officially in a junior size 13 jean, and a misses 10 (that's a bit of a squeeze but they button so it counts right? RIGHT?!?!). I am only one size away from my goal of an 8. 2011 is going to be my year for reaching goals and being "average".

So all in all, i'm ready to get back on track to being in the best shape of my life. Who's ready to join me?


  1. Great to hear.... I have been wondering how you have been doing. You have been a total inperation to me. Im down 18 lbs in the last 7 weeks.I can totally relate, I to was able to squeeze my self in a juniors size 13/14 jeans the other day ( I haven't wore that since 8th grade- 16 years ago) ok so they didn't look the greatest but they did fit.

    I can't wait to hear more of your stories

  2. Ooooh! Pick me pick me! I definitely need to get back on the wagon, I think I must have been involved in that crash with you :\

  3. Also, I think you should post some healthy recipes that you make, I find figuring out the whole exercise thing easier than the food part and would love some quick easy ideas :D
