Monday, August 15, 2011

Back On The Wagon

Today is the day I am slowly getting back into my weight loss journey. It doesn't happen overnight, i'm going to have a hard time remembering that. I'm starting this week with cutting back on my calories, but only skimming a little off because i need my extra calories right now for nursing my twins. I'm also getting back in to being active. Not sure that i'm quite ready to pick my 30 Day Shred routine back up quite yet, but definitely ready to get moving and out of the house again. Next Monday I will be cutting out all soda, fast food, and sweets for 2 weeks to retrain my body to healthier eating. Then will continue the normal routine i had of only eating those things on my one cheat day a week. Sadly, in my new place, i don't have a gym to use so i'm going to have to be more creative with my workouts. I also can't be spending 2-3 hours a day on workouts with 3 little ones under foot now so suggestions on quick workouts would be great! Here is my plan for Back on the wagon: Week 1...

Food - Cutting back on calories and portion sizes. Will start to really shock my body back to normal on Week 2.

Workouts -

Monday - 2 Mile Walk
Tuesday - 1 hour Wii
Wednesday - 2 Mile Walk & Yoga
Thursday - Rest
Friday - 1 hour wii
Saturday - Walk
Sunday - Rest

Week 2 will include longer walks, and at least one day of Jillian Michael's workouts assuming i get my doctor's ok.

I'm starting this week at 196 and hoping for a 1.5lb loss. It's going to be hard getting back in the swing of things and figuring out what works again, but i'm up for the challenge.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Journey!

The boys came 6 weeks early but it still felt like i was pregnant forever.

Where Have I been?!

When I last updated here, it’s safe to say I wasn’t exactly on the road to losing weight and I’m not quite there yet but I am definitely on my way back down instead of up… It’s been a wild ride the last couple of months!

Let’s start with the obvious…I have 2 new, beautiful, tiny baby boys. Dorian Edward and Jasper Elijah were born on 6-27-11, 6 weeks early. Dorian “Baby A” was born at 6:19am, 4lbs 13oz, and 18in long with a head full of beautiful blonde hair. He was completely healthy, just tiny. His little brother Jasper “Baby B” was born just 6 minutes later at 6:25am, 4lbs 10oz, 18 ½ in long. Jasper wasn’t quite as ready for the world as his big brother and required oxygen but both are growing fantastic. They had to stay in the NICU for 8 days for feeding but were little troopers and are home with us now and growing like weeds.

So why wasn’t I hear for the last few months, updating about how I was staying healthy through my pregnancy like I had promised I would be doing? It was hardly a normal pregnancy unfortunately so healthy and weight gain were one of the last things on my mind. We had problems from the very beginning. At our very first visit we were told to expect “vanishing” twin…and worried for weeks that we would lose one or both babies. As time went on, and they continued being healthy, my health declined. I caught every illness going around that I possibly could. Seasonal flu, 3 head colds, at least one sinus infection, stomach flu, and some nasty bronchitis-like coughing for months. Some of that hit me back to back, I had one spell of 7 weeks that I was sick nonstop. On top of this I had several hospital stays and no less than three pre-term labor scares. I was in and out of the hospital with constant contractions since about 24 weeks. Thankfully I received steroid shots at 28 weeks to mature the boys lungs so they were born much healthier than they could have been. I also had constant soreness, was on bedrest for 11 weeks, and could barely walk. When I did I was about as slow as a snail! Hardly makes it easy to be busting my butt doing some Jillian Michaels workouts, although it would have been hysterical to see me try I’m sure!

So after such a less-than-routine pregnancy, of course labor and delivery followed the same pattern. My body had been trying to evict the poor boys for months, and I went into labor for the last time on 6-26-11. Thinking I had the stomach flu, I called my doctor around 11pm that Sunday night, and headed into Labor and Delivery to get some fluids. I started having contractions on the way to the hospital, and by the time I got there I couldn’t even walk because I was in so much pain. Got very annoyed with a nurse (that was wheeling me up to the labor floor) who was trying to get me to talk to her while I was in the midst of having a contraction and trying not to puke, and then continued to puke all over her shoes, she asked if I felt better so I puked on her again. Some part of me did feel better at that point lol! Got to my room, got in the bed, and waited on my fluids while being very miserable. My doctor came in 10 minutes later and we figured out that I was not sick from stomach flu, I was in labor, and had been all day. We were having babies! I needed no labor inducing drugs, the boys were ready on their own. I got my epidural and just waited….6 hours after getting to the hospital, Dorian’s heartrate dropped drastically and they started setting me up for an emergency C-section…and 15 minutes later I was pushing them out. C-section not needed (you can thank me for sparing you all the gory details!). Quick labor, quick delivery, and quick recovery = Happy mama!

So that has been my extremely exciting few months, and you are all pretty well caught up. So now it’s back to my original goal of health and weight loss!

During the pregnancy I gained 44lbs, which was a little under what my doctors expected so I was happy. Since delivery I have already lost 25, if not more. Can’t wait to lose the rest!